Hemp seed oil has a myriad of benefits.
For your hair, the hemp seed oil strengthens and moisturizer your hair and helps them grow.
For your skin, hemp seed oil can fight acne, soothe rashes and act as an effective moisturiser.
For your body, it helps you improve immunity and lose unwanted fat. It improves the heart’s functioning and works as a relaxing brain tonic. People have also reported that hemp seed oil has helped them improve vision.
Hemp seed oil is a versatile product that can be used in any type of food, skin care routine or hair care.
You can use it as part of your daily routine for your body's health needs, and even feed the pets with this nutritious plant-based natural alternative.
When cooking, you can pour it raw on your salad and desserts or Use it in various rice dishes and in preparing sauces, marination, and hummus among many other dishes.
However, ensure you do not use hemp oil to fry food either deep or shallow, as it has a low smoke point.
Short answer is no.
Hemp’s intoxicating properties come from two main ingredients CBD and THC. Industrial hemp contains less than 0.3% THC and virtually no CBD.
These amounts are not enough to create a psychoactive effect, and this has been verified by multiple food research institutions globally.